Monday, February 9, 2015

Give Thanks...

Have you ever had "one of those days"? Those days where you really should've just not even bothered?
Today was one of those days. I should've just stayed in bed and not even tried. I had no patience with my kids, and their noise level was higher than normal. Way higher. Which was bad news for my migraine. Most of them weren't bad (most....), they were just hyper. And it seems that the days they are the most energetic, I'm the least willing to put up with their fun. I'm not as likely to be able to match their energy level on these days.
Anyway. I don't know why I wrote all that. But I Thess. 5:18 tells to give thanks in everything.
And this week has "100 day" at school. So in the spirit of "100 day", I decided to make a list of 100 things I'm thankful for. But once I started counting my blessings, I realized I couldn't stop at 100. So, in no particular order, here are 150 things I am thankful for.

  1. Friends
  2. My job (this is second because I wasn't feeling thankful for it at the moment)
  3. Oversized, ginormous, comfy hoodies
  4. Brownies
  5. Starbucks Frappucinos
  6. My students (again, wasn't feeling thankful, but decided I love them anyway)
  7. Jeans
  8. Hiking
  9. Family
  10. Travelling
  11. Promises of God
  12. My salvation
  13. Webcasts
  14. My college education
  15. Sunshine
  16. Snow
  17. Fuzzy PJ pants
  18. Keds
  19. Summer break
  20. Reading
  21. Music
  22. Musical instruments
  23. Sour gummy worms
  24. The Ocean
  25. Facebook/Social Media
  26. Facebook Messanger
  27. My fellow teachers
  28. One-pot, easy-to-make, recipes
  29. Maxi skirts
  30. Bed time
  31. Netflix
  32. Technology
  33. When my school day ends
  34. #2 pencils
  35. iPod
  36. Art
  37. Skiing
  38. Weekends
  39. People I can trust
  40. Airplanes
  41. Chinese food (Specifically, Sweet and Sour Chicken)
  42. Smooth, inky, pens (no idea what they're called. I just like them)
  43. Clean water
  44. My Apartment
  45. Heels
  46. Sticky tack
  47. Second chances
  48. Glitter
  49. Yellow
  50. Crayons
  51. Finger paint
  52. OCD-ness
  53. Board games
  54. Forgiveness
  55. Security
  56. Health 
  57. Laughter
  58. Change
  59. Time with friends
  60. Alone time
  61. Cadbury Cream eggs
  62. Kettle corn
  63. Candles
  64. Fireworks
  65. Drivers license
  66. Choices
  67. Smiles
  68. That single message that makes your day (or possibly your week)
  69. Christmas
  70. Dreams
  71. God's word--in my language
  72. Hugs
  73. Memories
  74. Google
  75. iTunes
  76. Writing
  77. 86,400 brand new seconds every day
  78. New days, new chances, new opportunities
  79. Compassion 
  80. Teachers I've had
  81. Chips and Dip
  82. Emails
  83. Ping Pong
  84. White boards
  85. Grace
  86. Scrapbooks
  87. Hurt
  88. Poutine
  89. eBooks
  90. Canada
  91. Christmas lights
  92. Rules
  93. Communication
  94. Joy
  95. Working appliances
  96. Good times
  97. Bad Times
  98. The resurrection
  99. Notebooks
  100. Being able to be thankful
  101. A God that loves to give good things
  102. Eternal Security
  103. Mountain Dew
  104. Hebrews 13:5
  105. BJU
  106. Uniqueness
  107. Heaven
  108. Seat belts
  109. Jeremiah 33:3
  110. Wi-fi in airports
  111. Bacon
  112. Movies
  113. TV series
  114. Friday night chats/movies with my friend
  115. People who take time to talk to me. Even when i'm being annoying and obnoxious.
  116. Air condition
  117. Clothes
  118. Bonfires
  119. And marshmallows
  120. Winter
  121. Flip flops
  122. Wifi
  123. Growing up in a place where I know what freedom is
  124. Fresh-baked stuff
  125. Public libraries
  126. Peanut Butter
  127. Rain
  128. Post-it notes
  129. Caramel/chocolate
  130. Opportunities
  131. Goals
  132. Ice cream
  133. Musicals
  134. Cheesy Garlic Bread
  135. Walmart
  136. Thrift stores
  137. Nail polish
  138. Opinions
  139. Opinions different from mine
  140. Fuzzy blankets
  141. Sweater weather
  142. Delivery food
  143. Pinterest
  144. Good grammar
  145. Proofing papers
  146. and spell check
  147. Blanket forts and movies
  148. Gingerbread houses
  149. Checklists
  150. Second chances. 

What should I add? What are you thankful for? In everything, good times and bad, no matter what it is, give thanks. 

P.S. I'm also thankful for snooze buttons and days when I don't have to wake up early :D

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