Today was one of those days. I should've just stayed in bed and not even tried. I had no patience with my kids, and their noise level was higher than normal. Way higher. Which was bad news for my migraine. Most of them weren't bad (most....), they were just hyper. And it seems that the days they are the most energetic, I'm the least willing to put up with their fun. I'm not as likely to be able to match their energy level on these days.
Anyway. I don't know why I wrote all that. But I Thess. 5:18 tells to give thanks in everything.
And this week has "100 day" at school. So in the spirit of "100 day", I decided to make a list of 100 things I'm thankful for. But once I started counting my blessings, I realized I couldn't stop at 100. So, in no particular order, here are 150 things I am thankful for.
- Friends
- My job (this is second because I wasn't feeling thankful for it at the moment)
- Oversized, ginormous, comfy hoodies
- Brownies
- Starbucks Frappucinos
- My students (again, wasn't feeling thankful, but decided I love them anyway)
- Jeans
- Hiking
- Family
- Travelling
- Promises of God
- My salvation
- Webcasts
- My college education
- Sunshine
- Snow
- Fuzzy PJ pants
- Keds
- Summer break
- Reading
- Music
- Musical instruments
- Sour gummy worms
- The Ocean
- Facebook/Social Media
- Facebook Messanger
- My fellow teachers
- One-pot, easy-to-make, recipes
- Maxi skirts
- Bed time
- Netflix
- Technology
- When my school day ends
- #2 pencils
- iPod
- Art
- Skiing
- Weekends
- People I can trust
- Airplanes
- Chinese food (Specifically, Sweet and Sour Chicken)
- Smooth, inky, pens (no idea what they're called. I just like them)
- Clean water
- My Apartment
- Heels
- Sticky tack
- Second chances
- Glitter
- Yellow
- Crayons
- Finger paint
- OCD-ness
- Board games
- Forgiveness
- Security
- Health
- Laughter
- Change
- Time with friends
- Alone time
- Cadbury Cream eggs
- Kettle corn
- Candles
- Fireworks
- Drivers license
- Choices
- Smiles
- That single message that makes your day (or possibly your week)
- Christmas
- Dreams
- God's word--in my language
- Hugs
- Memories
- iTunes
- Writing
- 86,400 brand new seconds every day
- New days, new chances, new opportunities
- Compassion
- Teachers I've had
- Chips and Dip
- Emails
- Ping Pong
- White boards
- Grace
- Scrapbooks
- Hurt
- Poutine
- eBooks
- Canada
- Christmas lights
- Rules
- Communication
- Joy
- Working appliances
- Good times
- Bad Times
- The resurrection
- Notebooks
- Being able to be thankful
- A God that loves to give good things
- Eternal Security
- Mountain Dew
- Hebrews 13:5
- Uniqueness
- Heaven
- Seat belts
- Jeremiah 33:3
- Wi-fi in airports
- Bacon
- Movies
- TV series
- Friday night chats/movies with my friend
- People who take time to talk to me. Even when i'm being annoying and obnoxious.
- Air condition
- Clothes
- Bonfires
- And marshmallows
- Winter
- Flip flops
- Wifi
- Growing up in a place where I know what freedom is
- Fresh-baked stuff
- Public libraries
- Peanut Butter
- Rain
- Post-it notes
- Caramel/chocolate
- Opportunities
- Goals
- Ice cream
- Musicals
- Cheesy Garlic Bread
- Walmart
- Thrift stores
- Nail polish
- Opinions
- Opinions different from mine
- Fuzzy blankets
- Sweater weather
- Delivery food
- Good grammar
- Proofing papers
- and spell check
- Blanket forts and movies
- Gingerbread houses
- Checklists
- Second chances.
What should I add? What are you thankful for? In everything, good times and bad, no matter what it is, give thanks.
P.S. I'm also thankful for snooze buttons and days when I don't have to wake up early :D