Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.
And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."
I checked in today for the last time. Unpacked my last barrel. Organized my last dorm room (I have way too much stuff). Am waiting to see friends (Lisa, hurry up and get here). I look around at the place I have lived for the last 3 years. I'm a senior. I got to tell someone today that I was a
SENIOR ED. MAJOR! That was a really, REALLY, awesome feeling. This is the last year of my undergraduate career. And it's been amazing. God has been faithful. He's been good. He's taught me so much--about myself, about Him, and about my overwhelming need for Him.
I look back over the last 3 years and what God has brought me through. There has been a lot of stuff that has been "bad". Stuff that I would have been better if it hadn't happened.
At least in my mind.
But God knew what He had planned for me. And, just like Romans 8:28 says, He has worked it out and is working it out for my good--to conform me to the image of His Son, Jesus Christ.
Because that's the whole point of my life. To become more like Christ.
I've been studying the book When People are Big and God is Small by Edward T. Welch. It talks about how concerned we are with what people around us think of us instead of what God thinks of us. Seriously, you should check this book out. I know that I worry about what people think about me a lot more than I worry about what God thinks about me. That's a goal I have for this semester. I want to focus more on God--learn more about Him. Worry about what He thinks about me. Get to know Him more and love Him more. Serve Him with everything I have.
And no matter what happens this semester, I know it will be because God has my life planned out. I can't see me future; only He can. I know that I can trust that what He allows into my life now is for something awesome ahead. He's not "out to get me". He isn't trying to ruin my life. His goal is to make me more like Christ. And if that takes a few trials, then so be it. Because that is what He wants.
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